150 young men and women joined the Udacity Connect program, which is organized by Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Misk Foundation in collaboration with Udacity, to develop youth skills in Android applications, the web and data sciences.
The program, to be held in Riyadh, will last 12 weeks, and consists of online training sessions, as well as being available 6 hours a week, as two training sessions will be held on Friday and Saturday of every week, where the trainees will be able to learn from Udacity’s trainers, to connect directly with them, and learn about technical support applications.
This training program, which includes three tracks: developing Android apps, web development, and data sciences, falls under the framework of the partnership that Misk Foundation has recently concluded with Udacity, aimed at developing youth tech skills, to keep up with the latest developments in the IT industry on one hand, and the tech sector needs in the labor market on the other.
This past Friday and Saturday, technical explanations were presented by three specialized trainers who work at Udacity. The trainers will continue to present these explanations along with practical applications over the course of the program, in order to build the trainees’ personalities, and grant them the tools to overcome obstacles they encounter in their tech business areas. The trainees will receive certificates of completion at the end of the program.
The program is currently in its pilot phase, which accommodates 150 trainees only, to be followed by the expansion of the circle of benefit through 2500 additional training grants awarded for three different training periods over the course of the current year 2017. The program is part of the endeavors of Misk Foundation towards developing the technical skills of the IT pioneers in the Kingdom, directly benefiting youth in particular, and the country in general.
Misk Foundation is a non-profit foundation, devoted to sponsoring and encouraging education and developing leadership skills among youth for a brighter future in the Kingdom. Misk places its primary focus on youth; providing various methods to nurture and empower talents and creative energies, creating a healthy environment for their growth, and pushing them to blossom and seize available opportunities in sciences, culture, humanities and technology.