New Reality .. Lasting Impact

Misk Foundation in
Numbers (2020)




Research papers

Local and international events

Supported startups


Startup investment funds
Misk Foundation:
The Pandemic Challenge
The year 2020 had been a challenging year, forcing many countries and people to adapt to new realities. With the outbreak of COVID-19, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia proved to be exemplary in addressing this pandemic efficiently and effectively. It took immediate measures and urged people and organizations alike to adhere to preventive measures in public areas and public and private organizations.
In a proactive step, the Prince Mohammed bin Salman ‘Misk’ Foundation studied the implications of the pandemic and, hence, recreated its plans and programs to fit the challenge. To achieve that, Misk Foundation followed two courses of action. The first one was to update business plans and programs, study future possibilities, develop expected scenarios in light of the pandemic, and update budget plans and performance indicators accordingly. The second one was to activate a quick response policy by forming a special team led by the CEO and focused on beneficiaries, program preparation and implementation, and external communication.
Additionally, another team was set up for internal communications and employees’ safety and awareness. In addition to the previous steps, precautionary measures were adopted in the workplace, including physical distancing and providing hand sterilizers and face masks.

Never Disconnect Campaign
‘Never Disconnect’ is a comprehensive initiative leveraging technological solutions to enable an interactive virtual environment for Misk Foundation’s programs and initiatives
Beyond Survival
The documentary film ‘Beyond Survival’ sheds light on Misk Foundation’s efforts in dealing with the pandemic and investing in its underlying opportunities. The main material is derived from a research carried out by Misk Foundation on the implications of the pandemic on Saudi youth through a survey that revealed the initiatives and efforts of Saudi youth, their innovations in response to the pandemic, and their outstanding community and volunteer contributions.

Education and Entrepreneurship

Education and entrepreneurship is a key pillar to achieve Misk Foundation’s strategic objectives. Through an advanced educational system and sophisticated training opportunities, young people are nurtured to be qualified for leadership positions in the near future in both public and private sectors and a youth community is established with interests in business and capability of building young and pioneering Saudi organizations.
Misk Foundation’s steers its training and educational programs starting from the early stages — through Riyadh Schools and Misk Schools — to college preparation, career readiness, all the way to entrepreneurship.


Riyadh Schools

Programs: Virtual clubs and student competitions

Events on national and international days

Educational and training initiatives

Attendance rate in virtual classes

Students have achieved scores %90 of more than in Qiyas Tests

gold medals and 6 silver aMawhiba 4 Competitions
Misk Schools

Medals won by Misk schools’ students, including 5 gold medals in 12 international competitions

Attendance rate in virtual classes
Misk Art Institute

Educational programs

Beneficiaries of educational programs in Art
Misk Programs
Leadership Development

University graduates benefited from the Fellowship program

Learning hours

University graduates benefited from the Fellowship program
Career Development

27 trainees and 9 employees enrolled in the UNs Junior Professional Officers program


Students in the UNESCO Internship program

Applicants to the Career Readiness program

Youth entrepreneurs registered in the Saudi qualifiers for the Entrepreneurship World Cup

100 Startups were supported with SAR 200M investments

Participating entrepreneurs
Culture and Arts

Culture and creative arts play a significant role in achieving Misk Foundation’s objectives. Through supporting the art movement, enriching the Saudi cultural scene, fostering artists, and unleashing their talents and potentials, Misk Foundation aims at positioning Saudi artistic experiences at the forefront of global art platforms on the one hand, and ensuring prosperity of local youth- centered institutions with an interest in culture and arts on the other hand. Misk Foundation is keen to showcase the cultural and artistic wealth — both tangible and intangible — Saudi Arabia enjoys, highlight the cultural identity of the Saudi society, enrich the art scene, cultivate young talents, and unleash their potential.

Cultural and artistic programs

Misk Art Institute

Educational programs in Art

Panel discussions

New art studios

Artworks by Saudi artists owned by the Institute with a value of SAR 1M

Events attendees and exhibitions visitors

Virtual and in-person art exhibitions
Manga Productions

Views of the animated series «Future's Folktales»

Platforms streamed the Series

Downloads of the games «Dhafer the Champion» and «Ghoul's Cave»

In the top 10 new games in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, India, Netherlands, and Norway

Views of the Eid video

Impressions on social media platforms

Views of the National Day video

Views of the World Arabic Language Day video
Science and Technology

As a supporting field, science and technology is directly linked to the flourishing of the labor market through creating new jobs and promoting economic growth. Additionally, Misk Foundation’s scientific and technological initiatives open new horizons for young entrepreneurs and local startups.
Misk Foundation seeks to keep pace with the accelerating technological and scientific advancements the world is witnessing and aspires to contribute to making the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia an international center to nurture and lead innovation. In this spirit, Misk Foundation has endeavored to keep up with these developments and adapt such changes to best serve the Saudi ambitions and achieve economical sustainability and durability.
Science and Technology

Strategic partnerships in the field of science and technology

Beneficiaries in the technology industry

Technology training courses

Targeted beneficiaries by the Future Seekers program

Remote trainees in 377 large companies around the world